Bi725-46 Narrow Bandwidth Interference Red Edge Bandpass Filter M46x0.75

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MidOpt Bi725-46 Narrow Bandwidth Interference Red Edge Bandpass Filter

The Bi725 Red Edge Bandpass Filter is designed for specific aerial vegetative health monitoring applications. This so-called “Red Edge” filter isolates the wavelength region where the most rapid change in reflectance occurs in foliage. When plants are stressed or dying, photosynthesis slows down or stops. IR wavelengths are absorbed, while more visible wavelengths, particularly red, are reflected.

The transitional 725nm band is uniquely affected by vegetative health changes and provides information about chlorophyll and nitrogen status to distinguish thriving from stressed vegetation.

MidOpt Bi725-46 Technical Specifications:

Product Line / Series Bi - Narrow Bandwidth Interference
Filter Model Bi725
Filter Type Narrow Bandwidth Interference Red Edge Bandpass
StablEDGE No
Useful Range 717nm - 732nm
Tolerance +/- 5nm
Peak Transmission ≥90%
Surface Quality 40/20
Filter Size 46mm
Filter Thread M46x0.75
Outer Diameter 50mm
Clear Aperture 43mm
Overall Thickness 7mm
Exposed Thickness 5.1mm
FWHM 25nm
Average Transmission Not Specified
Brand Midwest Optical Systems

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