MidOpt (Midwest Optical Systems)

Midwest Optical Systems, headquartered in Palatine, Illinois, has 30 years of experience and innovation in the fields of optical design, fabrication and inspection. MidOpt is a worldwide leader in machine vision filters and optical solutions. They are represented in over 30 countries and offer over 3,000 cutting-edge products. MidOpt filters are the premier solution for industrial imaging to ensure flawless control, dependable results and the very best image quality. Every filter is produced with the highest standards in durability, so they can withstand even the harshest environments. MidOpt filters are designed with a Gaussian transmission curve to allow maximum transmission, emulate the output of the most common LED wavelengths and are less angular dependent.
Bandpass Filters are used in a variety of industries, including machine vision,factory automation, security and surveillance, license plate recognition, medical and life science, agricultural inspection, aerial imaging, motion analysis, photography and cinematography.
Dual Bandpass Filters are becoming increasingly popular in NDVI aerial drone inspection, allowing for single sensor imaging and reduced operation payload. NDVI, traditionally achieved by satellite imagery, can now be obtained utilizing Dual Bandpass Filters and personal aerial imaging devices.
Longpass Filters are often used in fluorescence applications to block an excitation light source or to pass multiple emission wavelengths, improving signal to noise ratio. Longpass Filters are also commonly used in photography and astronomy.
Often thought of as “IR-cut” filters, Shortpass Filters are specifically designed to pass a broad spectrum of shorter wavelength light, while blocking longer visible and NIR wavelengths. Shortpass Filters are commonly used in color imaging to achieve natural color rendering. They can also be used to protect the sensor from NIR laser damage or to reduce IR radiation or “camera bloom” created during hot metal or glass extrusion processes.
MidOpt Neutral Density Filters serves as “sunglasses” for your system and can be used with monochrome or color cameras. Designed to reduce light intensity neutrally over a specific wavelength range without affecting image color or contrast. Applications include imaging in intense lighting situations (i.e. molten metal and welding), outdoor aerial imaging and photography. Neutral Density Filters help reduce shutter speed to create blur, preventing a “jello” effect in aerial imaging.
Polarizers are designed to reduce specular glare by passing only the light polarized in the direction perpendicular to the reflected light (glare). In addition, they help improve contrast, increase color saturation and detect imperfections in transparent materials. MidOpt Polarizing Filters can be easily and securely mounted to your lens and light source for maximum extinction or glare reduction. Polarizers are commonly used to reduce glare from non-metallic in objects with smooth surfaces or surfaces covered with grease, oil or liquid. For best results, use an optical-grade Polarizer over the lens and Polarizing Film over the light source.
Protective Filters are designed to shield your lens and lighting from dirt, dust, liquids, impact and harsh environments without sacrificing image quality. Protective Filters are useful in all imaging applications. The LP285 can withstand high temperatures and is impact resistant with similar qualities to Pyrex.
Acrylic Longpass Filters are a durable, lightweight and economical solution for inspection windows. They can protect a lens in environments where broken glass might pose a problem. Frequently used for lens protection and economical enclosure windows, as well as over light sources to control the wavelength emission of broad spectrum light sources. Because of their durability, they’re commonly used in FDA and EFSA regulated applications where glass over the inspection area is not permitted. AC370 and AC380 offer anti-abrasion, anti-reflection coating, which can also withstand harsh solvents such as alcohol, acetone or MEK.
Light Balancing Filters correct artificial lighting so colors appear more natural. These filters balance color, preventing the need for additional software processing. This allows for greater image stability and control. Commonly used in color applications such as machine vision/factory automation, photography, and fluorescence imaging.
Backlights provide sharp contrast to outline a shape, edges or an opening. But applications with space constraints may dictate backlight utilization. When the fluoreSHEET™ is illuminated from the front with a blue LED light, it emits an orange fluorescence. A backlight effect can be created by using a MidOpt Orange Bandpass Filter (BP590) to capture the orange emission and block the blue LED excitation, giving the appearance of a bright white diffuse background in a monochrome image.
Permits viewing at a 90° angleHelpful for applications with space constraints.
Attachments can be adapted to smaller lenses by using step-up rings.
Assembly locks in position with a thumb screw, guarding against movement due to shock or vibration.
To avoid vignetting, use with longer focal length lenses 16mm or higher.
Can be used in conjunction with a filter.