Smart Vision Lights - Dome LIGHTS

SVL Dome Lights Overview
Dome Lights are excellent lights for inspecting surfaces that are uneven or have high specular or diffuse reflection. These lights produce a cloudy-day lighting effect, which can be thought of as the same effect you will see when you're outdoors on a cloudy day and see a massive reduction in glare as opposed to sunny days.
The Diameter of a dome light needs to be larger than the diameter of the object being inspected. The amount of extra margin required for proper illumination will also depend on the working distance the light is placed away from the object being inspected.
DDL-100 Dome Light
The DDL-100 is a diffuse dome light with a 75 mm viewing area designed for reading barcode, imperfections/rounded/highly reflective products or for inspecting products with an even, uniform, and repeatable light intensity. The DDL-100 has been designed with simplicity and functionality in mind. NPN and PNP trigger signal input and a built-in 1-10VDC analog intensity control allows for maximum versatility. The industry-standard 5-pin M12 connector makes for easy installation.
Constant On: Yes
Strobe: Yes
Strobe Overdrive: Yes
Dimmable: Yes
Size: 75mm Viewing Area (2.95" Diameter)
Driver: MultiDrive
IP Rating: IP50
Wavelengths: White, 470nm, 530nm, 625nm
DDL-150 Dome Light
The DDL-150 is a diffuse dome light with a 140 mm viewing area designed for reading barcode, imperfections/rounded/highly reflective products or for inspecting products with an even, uniform, and repeatable light intensity. NPN and PNP trigger signal input and a built-in 1-10VDC analog intensity control allows for maximum versatility. The industry-standard 5-pin M12 connector makes for easy installation.
Constant On: Yes
Strobe: Yes
Strobe Overdrive: Yes
Dimmable: Yes
Size: 140mm Viewing Area (5.5" Diameter)
Driver: MultiDrive
IP Rating: IP50
Wavelengths: White, 470nm, 530nm, 625nm
DDL-250 Dome Light
The DDL-250 is a diffuse dome light with a 235 mm viewing area designed for reading barcode, imperfections/rounded/highly reflective products or for inspecting products with an even, uniform, and repeatable light intensity. NPN and PNP trigger signal input and a built-in 1-10VDC analog intensity control allows for maximum versatility. The industry-standard 5-pin M12 connector makes for easy installation.
Constant On: Yes
Strobe: Yes
Strobe Overdrive: Yes
Dimmable: Yes
Size: 235mm Viewing Area (9.25" Diameter)
Driver: MultiDrive
IP Rating: IP50
Wavelengths: White, 470nm, 530nm, 625nm