Bandwidth Definition
Bandwidth is the amount of data that can be transmitted over a connection over a fixed period of time (generally seconds). If a bandwidth of a connection is higher, then data will be transmitted faster, and therefore more data can be transmitted over a fixed period of time. Bandwidth is typically defined as the amount of Megabits, Megabytes, or Gigabytes that can be transmitted per second. Typical values for Bandwidth are 40 Megabyte/second (USB2 connection), 100 Megabyte/second (GigE connection) and 400 Megabyte/second (USB3 connection).
Common Bandwidths for Machine Vision Technologies:
USB Machine Vision Connection Speeds:
USB 2 | 40 MB/s |
USB 3 | 400 MB/s |
Ethernet Machine Vision Connection Speeds:
GigE Vision | 100 to 125 MB/s |
Camera Link Machine Vision Connection Speeds:
Camera Link | 850 MB/s |
Camera Link HS | 1,200 to 80,000 MB/s |
CoaXPress Machine Vision Connection Speeds:
CoaxPress v1.0 | 6.25 GB/s (6,250 MB/s) |
CoaxPress v1.1 | 6.25 GB/s (6,250 MB/s) |
CoaxPress v2.0 | 12.5 GB/s (12,500 MB/s) |
*MB/s = Megabytes per Second
GigE Vision Main Page - AIA Vision StandardsUSB3 Vision Main Page - AIA Vision Standards
Camera Link Vision Main Page - AIA Vision Standards
Camera Link HS Vision Main Page - AIA Vision